Everyone who is anyone in corporate America has a Linkedin Profile. Having viewed hundreds of thousands of them (no exaggeration) over the years, our sales recruiters can share that 80+% of them leave a subpar impression or worse. If you consider that your Profile is often the 1st impression a prospect, prospective hiring manager or prospective job candidate has of you; it can be the difference in making a sale, landing a coveted job or hiring elite talent.
Not convinced? Have you ever looked at a company’s website only to quickly leave because the impression that it gave left you less than impressed? Your Linkedin Profile is your professional website. Much like a great corporate website, a great Linkedin Profile will benefit your bottom line.
3 Advanced Linkedin Profile Tips.
1. Be Intentional With Your Linkedin Profile “Brand”.
What authentic message do you want others (potential clients, potential employers or potential employees) to know about you? To help you answer this, ask yourself what makes you successful and why would others want to work with or buy from you. In short, what makes you different? This message should be clear, concise and placed in the “Summary” section of your profile. Once you are satisfied view your summary from a mobile phone as 57% of Linkedin use is via a mobile device.
2. Recommendations.
Linkedin provides you with a powerful tool to validate and reinforce your brand with the Recommendations section of your profile. I invite you to look at Heather Baker’s profile (she’s a Senior Recruiter on our team) www.linkedin.com/in/heatherbaker/. She has 59 recommendations for her work. More importantly, the feedback about her is both impressive and consistent. Having known and worked with her for 14 years, I can testify that the recommendations are authentic and accurate.
Her payoff from these recommendations is the highest response rate on our team for Linkedin Inmails. Without question, compiling 59 recommendations did entail work for Heather. She accomplished this by actively soliciting Linkedin Recommendations every time she gets positive feedback from a client or candidate. The credibility and increased response rates has more than compensated her for these efforts.
You will get major bonus points if the Recommendations you receive align with your “Brand” that you portrayed in the summary of your Linkedin Profile. If you pursue this process organically, the Recommendations you receive will help identify and solidify your “Brand”.
3. Professional Photo.
Google the topic “Linkedin Profile Picture” and you’ll find dozens of blogs written on what a good Linkedin photo should like. There’s even a website, Photofeeler, that gives feedback on what real people think of your photo. Their formula looks for 3 qualities with business professionals: competent, likeable and influential.
Shockingly, It is extremely common to see $250k+/yr sales professionals with photos that are less than professional. Make the investment to get a professionally done Profile Picture. A great Profile Picture will make your Profile stand out and leave the viewer with a fantastic first impression.