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3 Ways to Get Noticed by Sales Recruiters

If you ask the average sales recruiter what the number one problem they face each day, their answer will invariably revolve around one thing. Noise. We simply have too much of everything we don’t want (e-mails, resumes, meetings, etc.) and too little of what we do (talented sales professionals that fit our clients). So how do you rise above that noise to get noticed by sales recruiters and avoid the resume black hole?

3 Ways to Get Noticed by Sales Recruiters.

1. Build a Concise, Targeted Resume.

Have you ever visited a company’s website and instantly felt confused by what you found on the landing page? After a quick glance, it’s unclear what do they do or how to get to the information you need. In our experience, most sales resumes can be just as difficult to understand and navigate. Before you disagree, consider that eye motion studies reveal that recruiters spend 6 seconds on average determining if a resume is a fit. Six seconds! If you don’t grab the recruiter’s attention in those 6 seconds they will delete your resume and move onto the next one.

The best way to grab a recruiter’s attention in 6 seconds is to write a concise resume that is tailored to the needs of the position you are applying for. Do this well and the skills, experiences and accomplishments you have will “pop” when a recruiter reads your resume. When you are going for clear, it’s also important to consider what you won’t include on your resume. With each word you stuff onto the page, you make it harder to find the content that a recruiter wants. Note, this does mean that you won’t apply for sales jobs that you’re clearly not a fit for.

Take your time and do your homework to understand the skills and experiences that are being hiring for and how your experience fits the role. Then write your resume accordingly. For more thoughts on building a sales resume that gets noticed read 4 Things to Leave Off of Your Resume and view our Sample Sales Resume.

2. Showcase Your Results.

Few things sell better than results. Make. them. stand. out.


Received President’s Club award within first year of employment, which recognizes outstanding sales professionals and leaders that fall within the top 10% of the organization.


  • President’s Club, 2013
  • #11/157 reps, 2013

3. A Smart LinkedIn Profile

Getting noticed (and called) by sales recruiters means thinking like a sales recruiter. Before I call a sales professional I take the time to look up their Linkedin Profile. It’s worth the 2-3 minutes to potentially save me 30-60 minutes on an interview that’s going nowhere. Here’s a few things I look for when viewing a sales professional’s Linkedin Profile:

  • Does this person know how to present themselves on Linkedin?
  • Do they have a professional image?
  • Is their Profile well written?
  • Does the information on their Profile align with what’s on their resume?

The power of social selling is often overstated. What’s not overstated is how important your Linkedin Profile is to your professional credibility. When a recruiter, potential employer or potential client looks at your Profile they will make a split second, “go” or “no go” decision about you. Don’t blow it by not taking your Profile seriously.

Do You Fit?

If my opinion hasn’t convinced you that you have to focus your resume to get noticed by sales recruiters, consider this data. In 2015, we (Sales Talent) screened through 136 potential candidates (resumes) received via a job board to get 1 candidate that a client of ours interviewed. 1:136. Those are long odds. I know that there are potentially solid candidates in the 135 that didn’t get an interview. Unfortunately, we couldn’t possibly spend 30 minutes with each and every one of them. If you keep finding yourself in that group, perhaps you don’t fit or worse, you didn’t take the time to write a resume and Linkedin Profile that will get noticed by sales recruiters.

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Chris Carlson

My name is Chris Carlson and I’m the founder and President of Sales Talent. This blog grew out of my desire to document and share what I’ve learned in my two plus decades of sales recruiting and leading Sales Talent. Our posts are aimed at sales professionals and leaders that speaks to talent selection, team building, or career advancement. If you have a topic that you’d like my take on, please reach out to me.

You can find Chris Carlson on LinkedIn or contact him directly at: