Why Companies Use Assessment Tests
There are a variety of reasons why an employer may choose to incorporate personality or behavioral assessment tests into the interview process.
This is becoming more and more common as the job market becomes more competitive and companies resolve to steer away from making decision based solely on a “gut feel.”
Some examples of popular tests are Gallup, Caliper, HR Chally, and Brainbench.
Companies typically use assessment tests to establish the “fit factor”-candidates’ core competencies are measured and evaluated in connection to the competencies required for a sales position.
Other companies may simply be looking to better understand their candidate so in order to better help them succeed when they do accept the position.
While it may take a significant amount of extra effort on your part to complete testing, keep in mind that the company you are interviewing for may also be noting your commitment to the company and your interest in the position.
If someone is truly not that interested in a position, he or she will more than likely not put in the time that it takes to go through additional testing, especially if the testing requires a major time commitment on their part.
Pharmaceutical and Medical Tests
When interviewing for a medical or pharmaceutical position, you may be required to take a test (often known as a pharmacology or medical terminology test).
For these types of position, training is rigorous and such a test will indicate whether or not you can grasp the terminology necessary to make it through training. Here, there are clearly right or wrong answers.
When taking the test, keep in mind that most companies establish a score that you must, at minimum, meet.
You don’t want to simply “get by” with a passing score. Go for the top score. Even if you pass the test, managers may choose to move on with another candidate if you merely pass by a point or two.
Interviewing and Testing and the Key to Success
When working with a recruiter and you learn that there are assessment tests or personality tests involved in the interviewing process, take the time to set yourself apart from other candidates.
Be positive
Recruiters and managers understand that you may have other such tests during your job search. It is not wise to complain to managers or recruiters about this fact.
Be prompt
If you are given a test to take on your own time, make sure that you do so promptly. Again, managers may be, subtly and indirectly, testing your commitment and dependability.
Be honest
One of the mistakes reps often make is that they try to figure out what the “right answers” are for subjective sales interview questions. Keep in mind that these tests are often very sophisticated. Answer the questions honestly, otherwise your results may come back inconclusive or skewed, thus jeopardizing your candidacy.